Summer’s on Vacation, but the Truth is still @Work: the 4 Ugly Words of the...
Barb Darrow over on GigaOm writes about Steve Wozniak lamenting the lack of ownership of our digital lives in a cloud-centric world. His point may be moot, but not because it is without merit. Rather, the great t...
The Mozilla team has come to the conclusion that, at this point, “continued innovation in Thunderbird is not a priority.” Mitchell Baker, chair of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, writes: “We have seen the risi...
As we recognize Independence Day in the U.S. and around the world this week, we wanted to do our own call-out to email users and collaborators looking to retain their independence: of no vendor lock-in, to freedo...
We’re seeing Facebook make an attempt to get its users to spend more time on the site. Forbes magazine article “Facebook’s Lame Attempt To Force Its Email Service On You” reports: “On your profile page, Facebook ...
Software as a Service (SaaS) is growing 50 percent annually. In the next five years, SaaS will represent 25 percent of all software sales. And, in 2017, total SaaS sales are predicted to be $100 billion. That’s a...
Wow, is it June already?! Somewhere between pushing the boundaries and San Francisco, I have had a moment to notice.
It was no surprise to me looking over results of the Future of Open Source Survey 2012 where Jay Lyman got it right: “open source code is making its way into today’s enterprise, webscale, consumer and other compu...
I remember back when at the dawn of the Internet how much fun it was to go online and discover what was there and how to tap into information that previously was not easy to obtain. For example, my university was...
Whether your business is on-the-go between airports, or running between family gatherings, the fact remains: technology is completely blending personal and business lives. Throughout the day, devices including mo...