Open-Xchange is back from a very busy couple of weeks with the EU Sales team in London at the Telco World Forum, as well as a team at the 2nd Xenith Dinner in Washington D.C.. Prior to the Xenith Dinner, we were invited by the i2 Coalition to join a Roundtable at the State Department. Our own CEO Rafael Laguna — along with other technology companies like Rackspace, Softlayer, IBM and Amazon — met with Ambassador Sepulveda who has a lot on his plate with regards to trade and commerce policy and how the Internet is effecting various topics around trade policy required to support innovation globally.
In the evening, OX kicked the next in a series of Xenith Dinners to a diverse crowed of policy, lobbyist, legal and tech association leaders at the Longview Gallery. The aim: to connect the voices and decisions to address the #PrivacyDilemma that now faces Internet users and companies.
With a networking session and a panel of active voices from the #PrivacyEconomy, some eighty people exchanged points-of-view on how and where to start with fixing the Internet’s #PrivacyDilemma. It was apparent at the Xenith that there exists a wide range of solutions to the current challenges, but addressing them with the digital user associations is critical to secure an Internet that remains fervently based in freedom and innovation, not exploitation.
Xenith Dinner are launched near to the seats of power where such associations and communities do business: i.e. both Washington D.C. and Berlin, Germany. These capitols are epicenters for advocacy, privacy and user associations lobbying hard to effect change of online privacy and laws now being passed. If you happen to be in Europe near July 14th, please plan to join the next Xenith Dinner. Find out how, here:
This October, Berlin will also be host to the Open-Xchange Summit — an industry event for the open and trusted Cloud ecosystem — and a forum that continues this discussion on where and who will deliver the next level of innovation on the Internet. For more information if this event is relevant to you and your daily business:
We hope you will add your voice to this important conversation surrounding the privacy economy and the people and companies that are collaborating to secure it. Keep an eye on as these privacy salons grow in importance; you can also make your opinion heard on Twitter: #PrivacyEconomy.