OX Blog

Uncomplicated Terms of Service, now THAT’S Innovative

Written by Chris Latterell | May 10, 2012

The issue of Google and Facebook terms of service is once again making the news — not because it’s really newsworthy, but rather because it’s, well, really incomprehensible. We really do have reason to worry about this lack transparency, and to be honest, integrity in business practices. And this issue is one that has been brought time and again to the forefront — as our chief technical officer, Juergen Geck, did in this article on “The Cost of Free”.

It is a sad state of affairs when those being called today’s most “innovative business models” are allowed to rest on such complicated terms of service. Back home, great customer experience is still demanded in valuable products and services. Is it that hard to deliver:


Transparent and easy-to-understand valueClean and simple user interfaces that are fun to use (yes, I said fun)Business models that don’t exploit

 Let’s take a vote…who thinks this:

“…When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works…”

…could actually be reduced down to:  “we make money on your apathy?”

Apathy: 1. Innovation: 0.